
New Success - New Year - Old Goals

This year has been one of the most incredible years in my career and I just wanted to say a proper goodbye as we turn the page and step into the new year.

⭐️ I have treated many concussions, headaches, hundreds of neck/low back/hip pain cases and pelvic floor dysfunction. I always say this and will continue to say it – I have the best patients in the world, and I often get to meet their families and know the names of their dogs. It is because of all of you that I love my job and look forward to going to the office every day.

⭐️ I also get to meet and treat celebrities, very accomplished and interesting people, and this year world legends. After these sessions I often feel inspired and euphoric. And as I sit in the cab in the late hours on my way home, I contemplate the idea of the American Dream and how I am someone that came to this country with my mother just having $500 in her pocket, and two small bags - not even a suitcase - and we barely spoke any English ...and now I treat the most famous people in the world (this is very personal but I am sharing this in hopes that my story will inspire others who are currently struggling).

⭐️ I am grateful to all my patients for their trust with their care. You push me to be the best I can be in my profession, and I promise to put every effort that I can to deliver high quality care in 2024.
Health and Wellness Concussion Pain Management Pelvic Floor Dysfunction