What should I expect on my first visit?
  • It is normal to feel nervous before the initial treatment. Many people associate needles with pain based on their previous experiences with injections. However, acupuncture does not feel like getting an injection due to a much smaller size of the needles. As one of my specialties is concussions, I treat many children and adolescents, and even they are often pleasantly surprised how comfortable and relaxing the actual experience of acupuncture is.
  • The initial session is 90 minutes; follow up sessions are 60 minutes long.
  • Please refrain from having sugar, caffeine or alcohol right before and after the treatment.
  • You MUST eat something before treatment.
  • You do not need to bring or wear any special type of clothing. Everything will be provided to you.
  • After treatment you will be able to return to your regular activities.
Can I do acupuncture if I had done botox or injections?
Yes, acupuncture does not interfere with botox or any other injections.
Acupuncture/Dry-Needling is a medical procedure that involves insertion of hair-thin needles to stimulate nerves, muscles and fascia. This increases circulation to the local tissues and helps to reduce inflammation, stiffness and pain. Needle insertion also stimulates the Central Nervous System to release chemicals such as endorphins to promote a healing response. This regulates the nervous system (sympathetic vs. parasympathetic), which in turn promotes improvement of physical and emotional symptoms.

In short, acupuncture/dry-needling:
  • eliminates/reduces pain and stiffness
  • eliminates/reduces swelling and inflammation
  • improves range of motion
  • eliminates/improves scar restrictions
  • improves mobility and physical function
What is acupuncture/dry needling and how can it help?
Do you accept insurance?
  • We will provide you with a superbill to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.
Do you have to believe in acupuncture in order for it to work?
No! Acupuncture has been shown to be highly effective in treatment of animals, and they do not have a concept of “belief”. Needles directly stimulate nerves, muscles, and fascia, which in turn regulate certain functions locally and distally, and therefore cannot be just a placebo.
Is there research to support the benefits of acupuncture/dry-needling?
There is a lot of research that shows that acupuncture/dry-needling work well to mediate symptoms of many conditions. Since it is becoming more integrated into mainstream medicine, this will lead to even more research. For specific links to recent studies, please refer to my other pages.
What is the difference between acupuncture and dry-needling?
Acupuncture is a form of medicine that originated over 3000 years ago and makes a diagnosis and treatment based on body energetics. Dry-Needling is an approach where diagnosis and treatment are made based on Western medicine. I am trained in both.
How many treatments will I need?
The number of sessions you might need for treatment, will depend on how chronic and complex your condition is.
I tried acupuncture but it did not work for me. Should I try it again?
There are many different styles of acupuncture, and it is possible the style that you tried was not the best match for your condition. I sometimes refer out to other practitioners, if I feel that my approach might not be best suited for the patient. It is worth seeking out another practitioner and giving it a second chance.