
Post-Concussion Syndrome
Headaches, brain fog, dizziness are symptoms experienced weeks or months after initial injury. These can have multiple etiologies and only proper understanding of all contributing factors leads to recovery. Acupuncture works well with other therapies to help to alleviate these symptoms.
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Pain Management and Sports Injuries
No other modality has received more attention for treatment of pain than acupuncture. In fact, the opioid crisis has made the medical community turn to acupuncture as a safer and more effective alternative for treatment. We specialize in treatment of musculoskeletal pain.
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Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Men/Women
Pelvic floor disorders are a wide range of often painful conditions that can negatively affect one’s quality of life. Pudendal neuralgia, vaginismus, pain with sitting, pelvic floor hypertonia are some of the symptoms. Both men and women can develop pelvic floor dysfunction and we treat both!
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A Concussion Is Not Forever
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Post-Concussion Syndrome
A concussion is a traumatic brain injury caused by a hit to the head or a rapid shacking to the body. With proper rest and treatment, the effects are temporary, and a person makes full recovery within a few weeks. A Post-Concussion Syndrome occurs when symptoms persist beyond the expected recovery period. At that time, often the systems involved are vestibular ocular, cervicogenic, as well as mood related disorders.

The most common post-concussion symptoms are: headaches, sleep problems, dizziness, fatigue, trouble concentrating, memory problems, sensitivity to light and noise, depression and/or anxiety.

Acupuncture/Dry Needling play an important role in reducing and often eliminating symptoms, shortening recovery time, and helping the brain to heal.

1. Following a concussion, there is a reduction in cerebral blood flow, which can last for prolonged periods of time. MRI studies have indicated that acupuncture alters brain activity and induces cerebral blood flow and glucose metabolism in frontal regions. Local needle stimulation produces analgesic effect in area of injury by increasing blood supply through release of vasodilatory neuropeptides. This increases local oxygen and cytokines and reduces inflammation.
2. Acupuncture helps to balance the autonomic nervous system, and increases parasympathetic activity, which promotes better sleep, quicker recovery and allows our brain and body to heal.
3. Trigger point therapy are useful for managing cervicogenic symptoms and pain.
Treat The Cause, Not Just Symptoms
Pain Management and Sports Injuries
No other modality has received more attention for the treatment of pain than acupuncture. In fact, the opioid crisis has made the medical community turn to acupuncture as a safer and more effective alternative for treatment. Numerous neurological and biochemical mechanisms have been identified to be involved in helping to manage pain. These include various neurotransmitters and modulation chemicals such as endorphins, dynorphins, bradykinin, enkephalins, Substance P, serotonin, nitric oxide, dopamine and GABA. Changes in brain processing of information, blood flow, and regulation of activity of pain via different nerve fibers have been documented as well.

Acupuncture is currently used by top medical institutions such as Cleveland Clinic, Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins, and is prescribed by many medical professionals who recognize the value of a collaborative approach.

Trigger Point/Dry Needling, Motor Point and Acupuncture Physical Medicine are preferred styles of treatment due to their superior ability to decrease muscular tension and relieve nerve compression; as well as reduce pain, improve range of motion and help to regulate autonomic nervous system.
Conditions treated:
  • Osteoarthritis
You Are Not Alone in Your Suffering
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Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

  • Mila treats both men and women and is skilled to treat the pelvic floor directly.
  • Pelvic floor disorders are a wide range of potentially disabling and often painful conditions that can negatively affect a person's quality of life. The pelvic floor is a complex network of muscles, fascia and other connective tissues and nerves, which cradle and serve as a support structure to the pelvic organs. It has three important functions: supportive, sphincteric and sexual. Pathology within musculoskeletal and neurologic structures of the pelvis can lead to pain and disruption in the urinary, reproductive, and gastrointestinal systems, as well as orthopedic pain.
Pelvic floor dysfunction can develop from direct injury; surgery, such as hernia repair; chronic constipation; vaginal childbirth; strenuous exercise and sexual abuse. There are also many cases where etiology is unknown.

Both men and women can develop pelvic floor disorders and pain.

Some of the common symptoms are pelvic pain, vaginal burning and pain, urinary urgency and frequency, constipation, pain and tightness in the perineum and testicular pain. Also, back pain, hip tightness, adductor tightness, SI joint pain and pelvic tension can be present with other symptoms.
Acupuncture/Dry Needling is beneficial for the following diagnoses:

Men: Pudendal Neuralgia, Sports Hernia, SI Joint Pain, Testicular Pain, Levator Ani Syndrome, Pain with Sitting, Urinary Urgency and Frequency, Prostate Pain, Chronic Bladder Pain.

Women: Vaginismus, Pudendal Neuralgia, Chronic Bladder Pain, Pelvic Floor Muscle Tension Disorders, Vulvar Pain Disorders, Interstitial Cystitis, Pain During Intercourse, Endometriosis.

Acupuncture and dry needling are incredibly effective methods of treatment for pelvic symptoms. Trigger point therapy and direct needling into muscles of the pelvic floor such as ischiocavernosus, bulbospongiosus, transverse perineal, pubococcygeus, iliococcygeus, coccygeus, and obturator internus are the unique skills utilized by Dr. Mila Mintsis.

It is not uncommon for patients to suffer from depression and/or anxiety when they are dealing with a pelvic floor condition. My belief is that a calm mind leads to a calm body and therefore both must be addressed for a successful outcome.